Analysis of virtual rhetoric

Rhetoric for Innovative Education

Output 2 Online Course in Rhetoric

Research module

Analysis of virtual rhetoric

  • Presentation of the module

  • Rhetorical analysis by 13 criteria

  • Argumentative and genre analyses

  • Analysis of political rhetoric

  • Analysis of virtual rhetoric

  • Online resources

Rhetorical analysis of manifestations in a virtual environment

Desislava Stoichkova explores rhetorical techniques for representing not only individuals but also corporations in the business social network Linkedin.

  • Стоичкова, Д. (2015). Особености на корпоративния профил в Linkedin. Реторика и комуникации, бр. 20, Retrieved on 12.09.2021.

Stoickova, D. (2015). Features of the corporate Linkedin profile. Rhetoric and Communications, No. 20, Retrieved on 12.09.2021.

Desislava Dobreva examines one of the most popular social networks and presents the results of the research through the prism of rhetoric and ethics.

  • Добрева, Д. (2015). Facebook комуникацията в етичен аспект, изразена чрез вербални и визуални реторически аргументи. Реторика и комуникации, бр. 20, Retrieved on 12.09.2021.

Dobreva, D. (2015). Facebook communication in ethical aspect expressed through verbal and visual rhetorical arguments. Rhetoric and Communication, No. 20, Retrieved on 12.09.2021.

Desislava Antova explores new phenomena on the Internet through the prism of rhetoric in the context of election campaigns for local elections in Bulgaria in 2011 and 2015.

  • Антова, Д. (2015). Реторически особености на предизборните слогани, представени в онлайн медии и социални мрежи в България. Реторика и комуникации, бр. 20, Retrieved on 12.09.2021.

Antova, D. (2015). Rhetorical features of election slogans presented in online media and social networks in Bulgaria. Rhetoric and Communications, No. 20, Retrieved on 12.09.2021.

Melanie Yordanova makes a rhetorical analysis of the manifestations of contemporary communication in universities, analyzes academic communication on one of the established learning platforms using both video lectures and online materials, namely Coursera, through the prism of rhetoric.

  • Йорданова, М. (2017). Реторичен анализ на академичната комуникация в Coursera. Реторика и комуникации, бр. 30, Retrieved on 12.09.2021.

  • Yordanova, M. (2017). Rhetorical analysis of academic communication on Coursera. Rhetoric and Communications, Issue 30, Retrieved on 12.09.2021.

Yana Filipova explores the use of rhetorical techniques and arguments by trolls in the online environment, including the argument against personality and others.

  • Филипова, Я. (2015). Реторични техники, използвани от тролове в България. Реторика и комуникации, бр. 19, Retrieved on 12.09.2021.

  • Filipova, Ya. (2015). Rhetorical techniques used by trolls in Bulgaria. Rhetoric and Communications, Issue 19, Retrieved on 12.09.2021.

Rhetorical cyberethnographic observation

There is already talk of rhetorical cyberethnographic observation.

The cyberethnographic observation is presented in two articles by Todor Simeonov, both as methodological parameters, possibilities, traditions, and as an opportunity to be applied in teaching students in a virtual environment using different platforms.

  • Симеонов, Т. (2015). Скрийнкастинг: трансформация на педагогическата презентация през погледа на киберетнографията. Реторика и комуникации, брой 20, Retrieved on 12.09.2021.

Simeonov, T. (2015). Screencasting: transforming pedagogical presentation through the lens of cyberethnography. Rhetoric and Communications, Issue 20, Retrieved on 12.09.2021.

Results of this method are presented in a paper by Ivanka Mavrodieva.

  • Мавродиева, И. (2016). Коммуникативное поведение студентов в виртуальном классе, Phycology in Education, Психология человека в образование, том 2, 3 2020, 247-256, Retrieved on 12.09.2021.

Mavrodieva, I. (2016). Students’ communicative behavior in the virtual classroom, Phycology in Education, Human Psychology in Education, Vol. 2, 3 2020, 247-256, Retrieved on 12.09.2021.

Rhetorical analyses of different areas, phenomena, processes

The rhetorical heritage has an influence in contemporary times and sets parameters for analyses of different fields.

Analysis in terms of gender rhetoric

Gender rhetoric has provoked the interest of researchers in recent decades. Vyara Genova presents an overview of some of these methods.

  • Генова, В. (2015). Традиционни и съвременни методи на изследване в полето на джендър политическата и парламентарната реторика. Реторика и комуникации, бр. 20, Retrieved on 12.09.2021.

Genova, V. (2015). Traditional and contemporary research methods in the field of gender political and parliamentary rhetoric. Rhetoric and Communications, No. 20, Retrieved on 12.09.2021.

Climate change analysis from a rhetorical perspective

Such is the article by Veena Namboodri, which reaches conclusions about rhetoric in a complex and specific context, the pandemic and climate change, when combining rhetorical and discursive methods.

  • Namboodri, V. (2021). COVID-19, Climate Change and ‘The Denial Playbook’: on the Rhetoricality of Science Denial in the COVID-climate Analogy COVID-19 through the Prism of Rhetorical and Discourse Research. Rhetoric and Communications, issue 46: 64-80,, Retrieved on 12.09.2021.

Analysis of the speaker’s achievements

The analysis of individual speakers is also of interest, starting with a study of individual performances and moving on to a more in-depth overview of their development over the decades, focusing on their achievements and describing a more holistic portrait as a result of the analysis. Georgi Nalbantov analyses former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, in an article focusing on the 2006 campaign.

  • Налбантов, Г. (2015). Анализ на предизборната кампания в Бразилия през 2006 г. (преизбирането на Лула за президент). Реторика и комуникации, бр. 20, Retrieved on 12.09.2021.

Nalbantov, G. (2015). An analysis of the 2006 Brazilian election campaign (Lula’s re-election as president). Rhetoric and Communications, No. 20, Retrieved on 12.09.2021.

Comparative rhetorical analysis

Rhetoric uses methods of comparative and comparative analysis. Methodius Rozhdestvensky outlines such perspectives in his survey-critical article.

  • Рождественский, М. (2015). Към въпроса за систематичния подход в компаративно-реторическите изследвания. Методологически алтернативи. Реторика и комуникации, бр. 20, Retrieved on 12.09.2021.

Rozhdestvensky, M. (2015). Towards the question of the systematic approach in comparative-rhetorical studies. Methodological alternatives. Rhetoric and Communications, No. 20, Retrieved on 12.09.2021.

Rhetorical analysis has many variants and varieties, with different focuses on the object of study.

At the same time, other sciences and methods are developing that have intersections with rhetoric. One of them is related to discourse.

In rhetoric, and in contemporary research, an interdisciplinary approach is increasingly being applied. The following are established scholars and researchers and their publications that employ methods related to discourse analysis.