Dialogical genres


Output 2

Theoretical module

Monological rhetorical genres

  • Definitions of rhetoric and types of rhetoric
  • Basic terms
  • Monological rhetorical genres
  • Dialogic rhetorical genres and formats
  • Arguments and argumentation
  • Rhetorical figures and tropes
  • Bibliography

Dialogic genres and formats that are organized with the following goals:

  • Clarification of concepts and ambiguities, regulations, standards, etc. – in parliamentary debates mainly;
  • winning a victory over the opponent, the political opponent, the debater – in electoral debates;
  • preserving to a large extent the opposition, the polar positions and the realisation of unity according to the regulations between the participants;
  • – the formulation of final proposals or positions, which, however, in most cases are different.


– Debate: parliamentary, electoral, television, radio, public, virtual;

– Debate: pre-election, television, public, virtual;

– Polemic;

– Controversy.

Scientific publications related to monologic rhetorical genres:

  • Ozan, D. (2008). Attention-influencing as a Rhetorical Strategy in German and Turkish Parliamentary Debates, Dialogue and Rhetoric, ed. E. Weigand, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 221-234.

  • Self, J. W. (2005). Seeing spotsThe First Debate over Debating: How Kennedy and Nixon Negotiated the 1960 Presidential Debates, Presidential Studies Quarterly, Vol. 35, No.2 (Jun), 361-375.

  • Ilie, C. (2003). Discourse and Metadiscourse in Parliamentary Debates. Journal of Language and Politics 1(2): 269-291.

See the Glossary section for definitions of some dialogic genres or formats.