Rhetoric for Innovative Education
Output 2 Online Course in Rhetoric
Learning module
Presentations. Practical assignments
Traditional and modern rhetorical paradigm
Speech structure: techniques and approaches. Practical assignments
Presentations. Practical assignments
Media rhetoric. Practical assignments
Podcast. Practical assignments
Business meeting. Practical assignments
Practical assignments
Assignments to students:
Simulation and role play. Creating an atmosphere close to the real one.
Determine the type of presentation according to different criteria: objectives, functions, areas of application, subject, channel, status quo of the presenter, characteristics of the audience.
For example:
The subject/topic of the presentation may be a stage of a business project.
The presenter is part of the implementation team.
The audience is internal and evaluative; it is composed of managers; it is critical.
The objectives are to objectively and persuasively present what has been achieved, to point out gaps and mistakes and to make suggestions for improving the project. The presentation is informative and persuasive; the focus is not on image.
The channel is direct, a room in the company office.
The presentation is vertically ascending: from employees to managers. The audience makes decisions on how to proceed with the project at levels of funding, finalization, market positioning.
In such an analysis, it is assumed that the presentation should be according to the standards, company culture and traditions of the company/business organization. It is dominated by substantive arguments, factual arguments, no verbosity and an abundance of rhetorical techniques. It includes verbal and visual elements. It was probably sent to attendees in advance in a more extended version and in direct communication a shorter version may be presented. This requires preparation and text to accompany the slides, diagrams, tables, maps, infographics.
In the case study presented above, this requires a very concise introduction and presentation of information in a clear, structured, logical manner.
The presenter needs to be prepared to answer potential questions, especially on the part of how mistakes were made and how to solve the problems, be clear on timing, people, quality, etc.
Rehearsal and preparation require a serious commitment from the presenter, as his/her presentation is representative in nature, and the goal is to persuade with credible facts and clear reasoning.
Following the 3 T’s principle can be helpful:
In the introduction: 1 T. Tell them what you want to tell them.
In the main body: 2 T. Tell it to them – clearly, precisely, logically persuasively.
In the conclusion: 3 T. Tell them what you told them – logical and justified conclusions, propositions and perspectives.
Assignments to students:
Stage preparation:
Analysis according to the specified criteria, preparation of the slides and the script. Preparation of answers to potential questions.
Implementation stage:
Presentation to the audience. It is complex and requires:
– High degree of concentration between the information, contact with the audience, visualization on the screen;
– constant self-control over the presenter’s behaviour;
– directing the communication.
Stage analysis and recommendations:
The trainer or the participants in the presentation training divide the criteria and groups are formed: one evaluates the scenario and the structure, the arguments and the information; the other makes recommendations on how to improve the presenter’s non-verbal behaviour, etc.
Websites for presentations
TED – https://www.ted.com/
TEDtalk – https://www.ted.com/talks
- Create + prepare slides – https://www.ted.com/participate/organize-a-local-tedx-event/tedx-organizer-guide/speakers-program/prepare-your-speaker/create-prepare-slides
- SlideShare – https://www.slideshare.net/
- Prezi – https://prezi.com/
- 10 Best Presentation Websites Alternatives, Caya, September 30, 2020, https://slidebean.com/blog/design-presentation-websites
- 10 Best Free Presentation Making Websites to Empower Your Presentations, https://focusky.com/learning-center/en/10-best-free-presentation-making-websites-to-empower-your-presentations/