Output 2
Training Module
Forming, developing and refining one’s voice
It includes recommendations for developing and improving the skills of pronouncing a speech, preparing one’s voice, maintaining control during the presentation, participating in dialogic formats, etc.
Traditions in rhetoric education
Contemporary Methods of Teaching Rhetoric
Forming, developing and refining one’s voice
Formation, development and improvement of non-linguistic means
Summary and recommendations
Online resources and oratory and bibliography
Forming, developing and refining the voice
Specifically for rhetoric, as far as I know, there is still no specialized textbook or teaching aid in Bulgaria. The specialists are teachers of speech technique, mostly, and they have experience in training actors. They place an emphasis on voice register, tempo, pauses, accents, voice pitch and volume, range, melody, etc.
Yordan Vedar and Zina Savkova in their book “Voice and Speech” on the basis of known training practices present theoretical and methodological justification, as well as recommendations and advice on how to prepare the voice. (Savkova, Vedar 2000).
– Савкова, З., Ведър, Й. (2000). Реч и глас. Ръководство по постановка на глас и техника на говора. София: УИ „Св. Климент Охридски”.
Savkova, Z., Vedar, J. (2000). Speech and voice. A guide to voice production and speech technique. Sofia. Kliment Ohridski.
Veselina Raeva presents recommendations for the application of specific artistic practices in traditional pedagogical communication (Raeva 2019a: 84-50). She explores emotional hearing as an indicator of empathic qualities (Raeva 2019b).
Раева, В. (2019а). Прилагане на специфични художествени практики в традиционната педагогическа комуникация. Педагогическата комуникация: традиционна и дигитална. София: Фабер, 84–100.
Raeva, V. (2019а). Application of specific artistic practices in traditional pedagogical communication. Pedagogical communication: traditional and digital. Sofia: Faber, 84-100.
Раева, В. (2019б). Емоционалният слух – индикатор на емпатични качества. Реторика и комуникации, № 39, април, последно посещение на 12.09.2021.
Raeva, V. (2019б). Emotional hearing – an indicator of empathic qualities. Rhetoric and Communication, No. 39, April, last accessed 12.09.2021.
Valeria Kardashevska brings out the possibilities of Bulgarian singing folklore as a stage of stage speech education in a theoretical and methodological perspective in a book (Kardashevska 2018). The same author describes the paralinguistic means of influence used by the lecturer (Kardashevska 2019). Kardaszevska also justifies the role of voice in rhetoric in a new context, namely manifestations in digital reality, including distance learning (Kardashevska 2020).
Кардашевска, В. (2018). Българският песенен фолклор – етап от обучението по сценична реч. София: ЗИП.
Kardashevska, V. (2018). Bulgarian singing folklore – a stage of stage speech education. Sofia.
Кардашевска, В. (2019). Паралингвистични средства като средство за въздействие на лектора. Педагогическата комуникация: традиционна и дигитална. София: Фабер, 100–110.
Kardashevska, V. (2019). Paralinguistic means as a means of lecturer’s influence. Pedagogical communication: traditional and digital. Sofia: Faber, 100-110.
Кардашевска, В. (2020). Гласът в реториката: проявления в новата дигитална реалност. Реторика и комуникации, № 44, юли 2020, 130-145, последно посещение на 12.09.2021.
Kardaszewska, V. (2020). Voice in rhetoric: manifestations in the new digital reality. Rhetoric and Communication, No. 44, July 2020, 130-145, last accessed 12.09.2021.
Laura Mutisheva also gives advice on improving actors’ voice as part of their preparation (Mutisheva 2019).
Мутишева, Л. (2019). Словесно действие в действие. Велико Търново: Фабер.
Mutisheva, L. (2019). Verbal action in action. Veliko Tarnovo: Faber.
Ciro Imparato’s book on the voice in English translation is well known, as is his teaching method (Imparato 2011).
Импарато, Ч. (2011). Гласът – силата да въздействаш. София: Изток-Запад.
Imparato, Ch. (2011). The voice is the power to inspire. Sofia: East-West.
The review shows that there are no special textbooks and teaching aids published in Bulgaria specifically for the formation of the speaker’s voice. At this stage, the methods that are known in actor training are adapted.
Project – RHEFINE – Rhetoric for Innovative Education, Number 2020-1-PL01-KA203-082274, Erasmus+ Programme, Key Action 2, Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education.
University of Warsaw – Poland – coordinator
Institute of Rhetoric and Communication – Bulgaria
University of Zagreb – Croatia