Output 2
Dialogical rhetorical genres
Monological rhetorical genres
Dialogical rhetorical genres
Arguments and argumentation
Rhetorical figures, tropes and techniques
Presentation: types, features
Media rhetoric, civil rhetoric, virtual rhetoric
Dialogical rhetorical genres and / or formats
Conferences can be related to dialogical formats – genres, if it is assumed that conference participants alternate in the roles of speaker and listener. Participants engage in intense conversations, defend their positions on various topics and listen to speeches or speeches of their opponents. It can also be said that during the conferences the participants may deliver monologues, may give lectures, reports, etc. Participants engage in dialogues, take notes and comments; ask questions, give answers, etc.
Мавродиева, И. (2004). Европейската и атлантическата интеграция на България. Реторически аспекти. София: УИ „Св. Климент Охридски”, 147-150.
Mavrodieva, I. (2004). European and Atlantic Integration of Bulgaria. Rhetorical Aspects. Sofia: Sofia University Press “St. Kliment Ohridski”, 147-150.
The debate is a dialogical rhetorical genre or format. In some situations, a debate is used as a synonym for disputation. Debate implies differing and even opposing viewpoints on significant topics in society or in given scientific, business, and international settings. A debate can be parliamentary when it takes place in the legislature in the plenary and when bills are debated and laws and other decisions are passed. A debate may be electoral when municipal, parliamentary, presidential and European elections are held. Variants of the electoral debate are media, television, radio, virtual, etc. according to the channels of communication and the types of media. The debate can be public or public, where representatives of parties, NGOs, state and international institutions, experts, etc. participate. In most cases, debates are organised with clear time parameters or scenarios, with established ethical norms and regulations, with specifically specified topics, and with the participation of communication guides. In parliament this is the President, in the media it is the presenter, in public debates it is the moderator or moderators, etc.
Mavrodieva, I. et al. (2021). Online Course in Rhetoric. Glossary. Sofia: Institute of Rhetoric and Communciations. ISBN 978-619-91989-1-9, ISBN 978-619-91989-0-2
The dispute is a dialogical rhetorical genre or format. It is accepted as a synonym of debate. It involves participants presenting different and even opposing opinions and positions, presenting arguments and counterarguments, seeking to convince the audience of the rightness of their position, and ending their participation as winners. The disputes are a part of pre-election campaigns. They can be media electoral debates, TV electoral debates. Disputes can be public or scientific and they are realized in the society or in scientific circles on significant topics with the participation of representatives of parties, NGOs, state institutions, experts, scientists, researchers, managers of business organizations, etc. Disputes are organised and held subject to the existence of regulations, scenarios, rules, etc.
Mavrodieva, I. et al. (2021). Online Course in Rhetoric. Glossary. Sofia: Institute of Rhetoric and Communciations. ISBN 978-619-91989-1-9, ISBN 978-619-91989-0-2
The seminar is a dialogical rhetorical format or genre and it includes different modules. There may be a general theoretical part at the beginning for all participants. Then, in the course of the training, smaller groups can be separated, rotated or differentiated as needed to form certain skills. The workshop is suitable for training specialists and experts at the level of institutions, organisations, local authorities to be involved in the work on different processes.
Мавродиева, И. (2004). Европейската и атлантическата интеграция на България. Реторически аспекти. София: УИ „Св. Климент Охридски”, 147-150.
Mavrodieva, I. (2004). European and Atlantic Integration of Bulgaria. Rhetorical Aspects. Sofia: Sofia University Press “St. Kliment Ohridski”, 147-150.
Round Table
The aim of the ‘Round Table’ is to provide, through the principle of equal and equitable participation, an opportunity for interested and prepared participants to present their views, positions, opinions, comments, proposals and finally to reach clarification either to acceptable solutions or to proposals on a mutually beneficial basis. One of the objectives of the round table is to help reach common views, proposals, opinions. In addition, round tables are held when several factors are present. On the one hand, there must be freedom of speech, i.e. the opportunity to inform certain groups of society about opinions, positions, views. On the other hand, it is important to have a regulation that creates conditions for the effectiveness of the work and the avoidance of deviations.
Мавродиева, И. (2004). Европейската и атлантическата интеграция на България. Реторически аспекти. София: УИ „Св. Климент Охридски”, 147-150.
Mavrodieva, I. (2004). European and Atlantic Integration of Bulgaria. Rhetorical Aspects. Sofia: Sofia University Press “St. Kliment Ohridski”, 147-150.
Video conference
The video conference is a dialogical rhetorical format or genre. Participants are located in different spaces (cities, countries, continents). They interact with each other by looking at computer screens, moble telephones or video walls. The Internet, digitisation and software applications create very good technical and technological opportunities for video conferencies. The assumption is that video conferences are more economical compared to more expensive conferences that are held using modern technology.
Мавродиева, И. (2010). Виртуална реторика: от дневниците до социалните мрежи. София: СемаРШ.
Mavrodieva, I. (2010). Virtual rthetor: from diaries to social networks. Sofia: SemaRSh.
The term webinar is a combination of two words: web and seminar and has manifestations in a virtual environment. A webinar is organised using different platforms, applications and software, computers, tablets, mobile phones, etc. Participants must be digitally literate in order to use technical tools and devices (microphone, camera, etc.) and follow basic rules for participating in dialogue from different places. The webinar is suitable for organising business activities and events with different objectives: decision-making, instructions, etc. It is a suitable form of training professionals and experts. The webinar is an integral part of organisational processes in business, NGOs, institutions, etc.
Mavrodieva, I. et al. (2021). Online Course in Rhetoric. Glossary. Sofia: Institute of Rhetoric and Communciations. ISBN 978-619-91989-1-9, ISBN 978-619-91989-0-2
Project – RHEFINE – Rhetoric for Innovative Education, Number 2020-1-PL01-KA203-082274, Erasmus+ Programme, Key Action 2, Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education.
University of Warsaw – Poland – coordinator
Institute of Rhetoric and Communication – Bulgaria
University of Zagreb – Croatia