Ministry of Education and Science
Republic of Bulgaria
All dated 08.12.2015.
Issued by the Ministry of Education and Science
Official Gazette No.95 of 8 December 2015
Educational programmes and practices in Bulgaria
There are two types of training: compulsory and profiled.
Profiled training is not chosen by all students.
It is part of a humanities module in which students must also take classes in history, philosophy and similar subjects. There are not many topics in the required preparation that connect to teachers’ need for rhetoric materials.
Therefore, opportunities to prepare speeches and to participate in dialogic formats are preferred. Speaking guidelines are briefly presented.
Directions for participation in dialogic formats are presented.
Advice and recommendations are given on how teachers should assess students based on the ana programmes and materials in O5.
9th class
Compares and analyzes different issues while participating in dialogue and discussion.
Speech behaviour when participating in dialogue and discussion
Compares and analyzes different points of view when participating in dialogue and discussion according to the communicative purpose.
Formulates his/her point of view and defends its correctness.
Observes the learned rules of literary language.
SOCIOCULTURAL COMPETENCE (assumed to develop as a result of Bulgarian language instruction, compulsory preparation; recorded at the beginning of each grade’s curriculum. These are the same for grades 11 and 12)
Knowledge, skills, attitudes
Matches language expression to different types of situations in sociocultural domains.
Evaluates ideas, theses, and arguments according to his/her experience and the knowledge he/she has about civil society.
Searches for, analyses and synthesises information from different information sources, processes it and uses it to solve communicative tasks.
Independently selects ways to successfully present different types of information in public.
11th class, compulsory education
Public speaking on a scientific problem
Knows the features of public speaking.
Evaluates ideas, theses, and arguments according to his/her experience and knowledge of civil society.
Seeks, analyses and synthesises information from a variety of information sources, processes it and uses it to solve communicative problems.
Independently selects ways to successfully present different types of information in public
Prepares a public speech on a scientific problem, taking into account the communication situation.
Delivers a public speech on a scientific problem with appropriate intonation and articulation.
Uses non-linguistic means (facial expressions, gaze, posture, gestures) appropriately.
Observes the orthographic norm.
12 class – compulsory education
Speech behaviour in communicative practice
Knows the ways to achieve successful speech behaviour in communicative practice.
Applies the principle of cooperation in communication to ensure effective speech behaviour.
Knows the tools of polite speech behaviour.
11 and 12 class – profiled education
– Socio-linguistic characteristics of communication participants
Looks for the relationship between speech features and the social characteristics of the speaker.
Analyzes sociolinguistic characteristics of communicative participants.
Applies the components of the speech act from the position of the sender or the receiver.
Manages speech activity in oral expression according to the reactions of the audience.
Evaluates own and others’ texts according to the success of the communicative goal.
– Extra-linguistic and paralinguistic features in oral communication
Recognises extra-linguistic and paralinguistic elements in communication.
Analyses extra-linguistic factors and paralinguistic means of communication and takes them into account.
Uses non-verbal means of communication appropriately in different communicative situations.
Evaluates own and others’ texts according to the success of the communicative goal
– Etiquette and protocol in public communication
Knows the meaning of the term protocol in public communication.
Distinguishes between the main features of etiquette and protocol in public communication
Identifies and analyses the different components of etiquette according to a variety of communicative situations.
Is able to apply knowledge to specific standard situations.
Knows some basic characteristics of state and international protocol.
– Speech strategy
Knows the meaning of speech strategy as the controlled application of a set of communicative, linguistic, speech, ethical and etiquette norms.
Distinguishes and applies different speech strategies (to establish rapport between speakers, to incite action, to evaluate, to inform, to express opinion).
– Speech strategies in different communicative situations
Distinguishes between the language of aggression and the language of solidarity.
Identifies the linguistic manifestations of ethical norms in speech (tactfulness, empathy, approval, agreement, sympathy).
Selects an appropriate speech strategy when communicating from a position of authority or of cooperation in different social roles (in the family, in a circle of friends, in an institution or other public place).
– Verbal (speech) activities in communication
Distinguishes and uses basic verbal (speech) activities in an appropriate communicative and socio-cultural context.
Recognises and uses the following verbal (speech) oral and written activities to communicate successfully: statement, order, request, promise, etc.
– Speech strategies in oral communication
Analyses and produces oral texts appropriate to the communicative situation, to the goals set, to the structural characteristics of the text formats.
Distinguishes and applies different speaking strategies in a specific communicative situation in view of the communicative goal.