Output 2
Training Module
Online resources and bibliography
It includes recommendations for developing and improving the skills of pronouncing a speech, preparing one’s voice, maintaining control during the presentation, participating in dialogic formats, etc.
Traditions in rhetoric education
Contemporary methods
Forming, developing and refining one’s voice
Formation, development and improvement of non-linguistic means
Summary and recommendations
Online resources and bibliography
Online resources and speaking engagements
There are various online resources that store speeches, debates, media appearances, virtual meetings, and most often these are of politicians, statesmen, representatives of international organizations, and also business representatives.
With the Online Rhetoric course in mind, and without claiming to be exhaustive, several groups of online sources are presented. The aim is to achieve clarity about the possibilities of finding oratory for analysis, listening, viewing, and research.
The first group are official websites of government organizations, international institutions, foundations, libraries, centers.
Library of Congress –
– Kennedy Speeches various occasions, situations – stored and photos, and video recordings –
– Inaugurations since 1905. Lincoln’s inauguration of 1861.
– Roosevelt’s Inauguration of 1905.
– America’s story from America Library – Kennedy – Nixon Debates 1960.
Sites of presidential institutions
– Text plus video – modern approach
– Speech by the President of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Duda during the Paris Peace Forum Paris, 11-13 November 2020. Wednesday, 11 November 2020.,1220,speech-by-the-president-of-the-republic-of-poland–during-the-paris-peace-forum-.html
Texts of speeches
– Speech by the President of the Republic on the occasion of Croatian Armed Forces Day, Croatian Army Day and the 30th anniversary of the formation of the Croatian National Guard,
– Speeches and statements by the President of the Republic of Bulgaria.
Texts of speeches
– Havel’s New Year’s Address to the Nation, 1990 – Making the history 0f 1989.
– Vaclav Havel – the President of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic, Parliamentary Assembly. Speech made to the Assembly, Thursday, 10 May 1990.
– Vaclav Havel. Speech addressed to the U.S. Congress. February 1990. Vaclav Havel Library Foundation.
At The History Place website http://www.historyplace. com/ the Create Speeches Collection features over 60 speeches, including those by Queen Elizabeth I, Giuseppe Garibaldi, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, John F. Kennedy, Edward Kennedy, Jimmy Carter, George W. Bush, Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Vyacheslav Molotov, Nelson Mandela, Gerhart Schroeder, and Pope John Paul II. There is also Winston Churchill’s speech, which was delivered in the House of Commons and is famously titled “I offer you nothing but blood, toil, tears and sweat” (
Speeches by President Peter Stoyanov.
The second group are media websites with an established reputation and place on the media market.
– CBN News – Debate Kennedy – Nixon – 1960 –
– The BBC in a separate section presents speeches, including Queen Elizabeth’s Christmas Speech delivered on 26 December 2011 (
– CNN prefers to blog speeches and statements, some of which were made to students at commencement and graduation ( Such is Conan O’Brien’s Dartmouth speech, called The Greatest Commencement Speech Ever.
The second group are Academic and University sources
– A Research Guide for Students – by I. Lee –
– One speech – Victory speech delivered by Barak Obama – November 4, 2008, Chicago, Full text and video
The Telegraph’s website features speeches delivered by speakers who are part of the history of political rhetoric from the 20th and 21st centuries. You can find speeches by Konrad Adenauer, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany; Nikita Khrushchev and Mikhail Gorbachev, political leaders in the USSR; American presidents, including Dwight Eisenhower, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Gerald Ford, and Barack Obama; Golda Meyer, Prime Minister of Israel; and Adolf Hitler, among others. The rhetorical situation, occasion, and impact of the speech are briefly presented.
– (
Top 25 political speeches of all time: 25-13 – Telegraph – The …
– The Guardian makes a selection of the best speeches and publishes them with a precise rhetorical situation ( The media initiates and carries out a kind of speech ratings, to rate speakers. The Gardian’s website features some of the best speeches of the 20th century. Winston Churchill is presented in the first position, followed by John F. Kennedy, Nelson Mandela in the third position, Theodore Delano Roosevelt in the fifth, Martin Luther King in the eighth, and Charles de Gaulle in the ninth position. There are also two women: Virginia Woolf and Margaret Thatcher.
(,,2060114,00.html). – – – –
The third group is online media.
The website presents thematically and rhetorically distinct speeches by Nobel Prize winners in literature, the name of the series is “Speeches by Nobel Laureates”, and each speech has its own title:–/28-2009-06-15-17-47-27.
On the website of the Centre for Analyses and Comparisons (CAO – in a separate section “Speeches” are published Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address; speech of John Kennedy’s speech, which was delivered in Berlin in 1963 (translated in English), Ronald Reagan’s address, delivered again in Berlin, but in 1987.
The fourth group are blogs and social networks, both personal and party, institutional ones.
Blogs are a place for publishing speeches by prominent speakers and by bloggers who are no longer active participants in politics. Edvin Sugarev’s blog features John Kennedy’s 1963 speech in Berlin (
Political blogs are the other place where speeches, statements, reports are published, both as texts and as video recordings. The blogs of the politicians Borislav Tsekov, (, and Miroslav Sevlievski ( stand out.
Богданов, Б. (1989). История на старогръцката култура. София: Наука и изкуство.
Bogdanov, B. (1989). History of Ancient Greek Culture. Sofia: Nauka i izkustvo.
Василев, К. (1999). Красноречието. София: УИ „Св. Кл. Охридски”.
Vassilev, K. (1999). Eloquence. Sofia. Kl. Ohridski.
Борисова, Д. (2017). Магията на словото. София: Българска книжица.
Borisova, D. (2017). The magic of the word. Sofia: Bulgarian book.
Петков, Г. (2011). Аrs dictaminis, Реторика и комуникации, бр. 1, септември 2011, последно посещение на 12.09.2021.
Petkov, G. (2011). Ars dictaminis, Rhetoric and Communications, bru 1, September 2011, Retrieved on 12.09.2021.
Импарато, Ч. (2011). Гласът – силата да въздействаш. София: Изток-Запад.
Imparato, Ch. (2011). The voice is the power to inspire. Sofia: East-West.
Илиева, Д. (2020). Комуникация навреме и намясто. София: ИК „Божидар Данев” ООД.
Ilieva, D. (2020). Communication on time and on the place. Sofia: IK “Bozhidar Danev” OOD.
Кардашевска, В. (2018). Българският песенен фолклор – етап от обучението по сценична реч. София: ЗИП.
Kardashevska, V. (2018). Bulgarian singing folklore – a stage of stage speech education. Sofia: ZIP.
Кардашевска, В. (2019). Паралингвистични средства като средство за въздействие на лектора. Педагогическата комуникация: традиционна и дигитална. София: Фабер, 100–110.
Kardashevska, V. (2019). Paralinguistic means as a means of lecturer’s influence. Pedagogical communication: traditional and digital. Sofia: Faber, 100-110.Кардашевска, В. (2020). Гласът в реториката: проявления в новата дигитална реалност. Реторика и комуникации, № 44: 130-145, последно посещение на 12.09.2021.
Kardashevskaya, V. (2020). The Voice in Rhetoric: Manifestations in the new digital reality. Rhetoric and Communication, No. 44:130-145, /. Retrieved on 12.09.2021.
Мавродиева, И. (2007). Как да презентираме успешно? София: Кота7.
Mavrodieva, I. (2007). How do I manage to be presenters successfully? Sofia: Kota 7.
Мавродиева, И., Гешева, М. (2018). Бизнес комуникации. София: БгУчебник.
Mavrodieva, I., Gesheva, M. (2018). Business communications. Sofia: Bg Textbook.
Мутишева, Л. (2019). Словесно действие в действие. Велико Търново: Фабер.
Mutisheva, L. (2019). Verbal action in action. Veliko Tarnovo: Faber.
Паунов, Х. (2010). Античната реторика: съвременни измерения, Съвременни реторически практики. (съст. И. Мавродиева), София: Изд. СемаРШ, 46-56.
Paunov, H. (2010). Ancient rhetoric: contemporary dimensions, Contemporary Rhetorical Practices. (ed. I. Mavrodieva), Sofia. Semarsh, 46-56.
Раева, В. (2019а). Прилагане на специфични художествени практики в традиционната педагогическа комуникация. Педагогическата комуникация: традиционна и дигитална. София: Фабер, 84–100.
Raeva, V. (2019а). Application of specific artistic practices in traditional pedagogical communication. Pedagogical communication: traditional and digital. Sofia: Faber, 84-100.
Раева, В. (2019б). Емоционалният слух – индикатор на емпатични качества. Реторика и комуникации, № 39, последно посещение на 12.09.2021.
Raeva, V. (2019б). Emotional hearing – an indicator of empathic qualities. Rhetoric and Communications, No. 39, Retrieved on 12.09.2021.
Савкова, З., Ведър, Й. (2000). Реч и глас. Ръководство по постановка на глас и техника на говора. София: УИ „Св. Климент Охридски”.
Savkova, Z., Vedar, J. (2000). Speech and voice. A guide to voice production and speech technique. Sofia. Kliment Ohridski.
Bua, La, G. (2010). Aiebat se in animo scribere (Sen. Contr. Praef. 18): Writing in Roman declamations. Papers on Rhetoric. X. ed. Lucia Calboli Montefusco. Roma: Herder Editrice, pp. 183-200.
Eriksson, A. (2011). Education in Rhetoric. Scandinavian Studies in Rhetoric. Rhetorica Scandinavica 1997-2010, University of Oslo, Retorikfortaget, Sweden, Printed in Poland, 56-75.
Gallo, C. (2014). Talk like TED. The 9 public-speaking secrets of the owrld’s top minds. New York: St. Martin’s Press.
Kock, C. (2011). The Identiy of Rhetoric as a Scholarly Discipline and a University Program. Scandinavian Studies in Rhetoric. Rhetorica Scandinavica 1997-2010, University of Oslo, Retorikfortaget, Sweden, Printed in Poland, 46-55.
Medhurst, M., J. (2010). The History of Public Address as an Academic Study. The Hanbook of Rhetoric and Public Address. ed. by Shawn J. Parry-Giles and J. Michael Hogan. Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 18-66.
Project – RHEFINE – Rhetoric for Innovative Education, Number 2020-1-PL01-KA203-082274, Erasmus+ Programme, Key Action 2, Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education.
University of Warsaw – Poland – coordinator
Institute of Rhetoric and Communication – Bulgaria
University of Zagreb – Croatia