
Rhetoric for Innovative Education

Output 2 Online Course in Rhetoric

Learning module

Podcast. Practical assignments

  • Traditional and modern rhetorical paradigm

  • Speech structure: techniques and approaches. Practical assignments

  • Presentations. Practical assignments

  • Media rhetoric. Practical assignments

  • Podcast. Practical assignments

  • Business meeting. Practical assignments

  • Bibliography

Podcast. Practical assignments

The focus here is on the rhetorical and communicative aspects, but these are invariably related to the script, the overall concept, the multimodal content, the technical parameters, the genre and its place in the contemporary media ecosystem, etc.

The podcast is not thought of as a singular production, but as part of a concept and thematically linked subsequent podcasts. At the same time, each individual podcast is unique. Specific features are:

– it is listened to if it is audio presented in the respective platforms;

– it is listened to and watched if it is a video recording presented on the respective platforms.

Both types of podcasts are watched and listened to by a virtual audience that has different attitudes to perceiving information.

Unlike a speech delivered in front of a live audience or in a combination of live in a hall or outdoors and as a livestream, a podcast requires different skills. Preparing and implementing a podcast requires acquiring knowledge about the genre, format, audience, channel, media ecosystem, traditions, competition, etc.

It is important to mark the common elements for the beginning and the end in the podcast script.

The beginning includes a visual element for recognition and branding purposes. There is also a musical introduction.

The final captions and frames are most often related to copyright, sponsorship, funding, project activities and appeals.

There remains the actual part, which, although conditionally, is divided into:

Presentation of the participants with different communicative techniques.

Presentation of the topic directly or with another way of attracting attention, part of speech, quotation from a thought, presentation of the situation, etc.

First question. The aim is to intrigue the audience, to involve them, to arouse their interest.

The following questions have different purposes. One is for the purpose of maintaining the dynamics of the dialogue. The second ones are for the purpose of getting information in a logical sequence or according to the design and scenario of the podcast host. The third ones are for the purpose of becoming aware of a new focus of attention on the topic or subtopic. Other types of questions are possible from a media, communicative and rhetorical perspective.

Final question and answers. It is suggested that this question should guide toward completion and create an effect at the end.

Answers should be brief, interesting, summarizing. Possible rhetorical techniques are messages, generalizations, proverbs, aphorisms and maxims, quotations from literary works, etc.

End the podcast in an interesting way, creating an impression of the ending, using rhetorical techniques. This role can also be filled by the podcast host.

Assignments and recommendations:

  • Step One: Briefly announce what a podcast is. The recommendations are to listen to and watch several podcasts, analyse their scripts, rhetorical techniques, dialogue dynamics, topics.

  • The next step is assigning roles by the trainer, preparation time, implementing the podcast as a live training and then possibly recording.

  • Comparing the preparation and the realization and analysis are important. They are the basis for forming specific skills by building on them.

The criteria for analysis may be:

  • The way the questions are asked.

  • The way the questions are asked.

  • The dynamics of the dialogue.

  • Script.

  • Rhetorical and communicative techniques.

  • Final realization.

  • Genre features or novelties observed.

The criteria for analysis may be:

  • The way the questions are asked.

  • The way the questions are asked.

  • The dynamics of the dialogue.

  • Script.

  • Rhetorical and communicative techniques.

  • Final realization.

  • Genre features or novelties observed.

Here is some useful information about podcasts, given in the article by Desislava Antova “Media podcasts in Bulgaria: types and peculiarities”: “The research on podcasts has been increasing over the years and here we mention only some of them, which are in the field of applied advice, analysis of the types of podcasts, the way of organizing, financing and positioning on the media market. Lionel Felix and Damien Stolarz, in a handbook, outline the parameters for optimizing performance in video blogs and podcasts, the new media tools for business communication (Felix, Lionel. & Stolarz, Damien 2006). Eric Nuzum also focuses on the applied elements, but also on the creative side of creating podcasts, especially interesting are the recommendations for creating audio stories (Audio Storytelling) (Nuzum 2019).

  • Kalyam Islam focuses on studying the functions of podcasts in relation to training and ways of development (Islam 2007).

  • Greg Cangialosi, Ryan Areline, Tim Bourquin, and Colette Vogele study business podcasts and focus on how to use marketing tools and measure success from podcasts (Cangialosi, Irelan, Bourquin, Vogele 2008).

  • The place of podcasts and their functioning in the new media environment, in digital media and the new so-called “audio/aural cultures” (Aural Cultures) is analyzed by Dario Llinares, Nelly Fox, and Richard Berry (Llinares, Fox, Berry 2018).”

  • Антова, Д. (2021). Медийните подкасти в България: видове и особености. колективна монография Реториката и комуникациите през 21 век: теории, методи, практики”, 178-199, публикувана и онлайн в сайта на Института по реторика и комуникации, https://www.iorc.info/

  • Antova, D. (2021). Collective monograph “Rhetoric and communication in the 21st century: theories, methods, practices, 178-199, also published online on the website of the Institute of Rhetoric and Communication, https://www.iorc.info/.

Podcasts Video

Podcasts Video