Rhetorical analysis by 13 criteria or steps

Rhetoric for Innovative Education

Output 2 Online Course in Rhetoric

Research module

Rhetorical analysis by 13 criteria or steps

  • Presentation of the module

  • Rhetorical analysis by 13 criteria

  • Argumentative and genre analyses

  • Analysis of political rhetoric

  • Analysis of virtual rhetoric

  • Online resources

Rhetorical analysis by 13 criteria or steps

1. Identifying the specifics of the rhetorical or communicative situation.

2. Inferring the factors that shaped the speaker, speaker, presenter, participant in media, virtual, public dialogic formats.

3. Audience analysis if photos and video footage are available: attitudes, reactions, feedback, etc.

4. Identification of genre features: monological genres or dialogic formats in real, media, online/virtual environments.

5. Analysis of the structure of the speech or presentation. Analysis of features of the scenario of the debate, discussion, videoconference, webinar, etc.

6. Establishing what arguments are used and how the argumentation is implemented.

7. Establishing what rhetorical figures and techniques were used and what the effect was.

8. Establish what non-verbal devices were used: voice, gaze, facial expressions, gestures, postures, movement in space, dress code, etc., and what the effect of this was.

9. Establish what visual elements are used: tables, charts, diagrams, infographics, maps, photos, etc. Conclusions about their use; combining them with other rhetorical techniques.

10. Conclusions about the effects achieved and the impact on the audience or on individual members or groups of the audience.

11. Cross-cultural differences (if any) in the speaker or the audience.

12. Determination of whether the speaker(s) used manipulative techniques.

13. Final conclusions and generalizations about the speaker’s individual characteristics.

The criteria are published in the books:

  • Мавродиева. И. (2013). Реторика и пъблик рилейшънс. София: УИ „Св. Климент Охридски“, 166-179.

Mavrodieva. И. (2013). Rhetoric and public relations. Sofia. Kliment Ohridski, 166-179.

  • По-ранно представяне Христоматия. Образци на съвременното красноречие. (2010). (съст. И. Мавродиева). София: СемаРШ, 165-166.

Earlier submission – Christomathy. Examples of modern eloquence. (2010). (comp. I. Mavrodieva). Sofia.

Examples of analyses using these criteria are available online. Comparative analysis of famous speeches is performed in three publications:

Queen Elizabeth’s and King George’s speeches are examined in their respective political, social, cultural, and media contexts by Ivanka Mavrodieva.

  • Mavrodieva, I. (2020). A Comparative Rhetorical Analysis of the Speeches of Queen Elizabeth II and King George VI. Rhetoric and Communications, issue 43: 56-67. https://rhetoric.bg/. Retrieved on 11.06.2021.

Two speeches by Queen Elizabeth on different occasions are analysed by Iglika Kasabova.

  • Kassabova, I. (2020). A Comparative Rhetorical Analysis of the Speeches of Queen Elizabeth II after Princess Diana’s Death and about the Coronavirus Crisis. Rhetoric and Communications, issue 44: 78-93. https://rhetoric.bg/. Retrieved on 12.09.2021.

Presenting specific topics through an interesting lens – multicultural Europe and intercultural dialogue analysis of two speeches given by Tibor Navracsics and Federica Mogherini during the European Cultural Forum Talent and creativity for a stronger and more inclusive Europe (2016).

  • Тоцева, Я. (2017). Мултикултурна Европа и интеркултурният диалог в нея през погледа на експертите. Реторика и комуникации, бр. 26, https://rhetoric.bg/. Retrieved on 15.08.2021.

Totseva, Y. (2017). Multicultural Europe and Intercultural Dialogue in Europe through the Eyes of Experts. Rhetoric and Communications, No. 26, https://rhetoric.bg/. Retrieved on 15.08.2021.

Examples of student-produced analyses using these criteria can be found in the Online Rhetoric Reference, Orators section.
